Terms & Conditions
Please read the following general terms carefully. Accessing this URL and any of its pages (hereinafter the “Website”) implies acceptance of these general terms.
The Website is owned by GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES. GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES owns the intellectual property rights to this Website, unless otherwise specified. The aforementioned party is therefore exclusively entitled to exercise rights of use and reproduction of the aforementioned Website. Content may only be downloaded for personal use. Under no circumstances may the information, content or warnings on this Website be changed, amended or deleted. Nor may the content of this Website be reproduced, transmitted or amended, directly or indirectly, without prior authorisation in writing from GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES.
The content of this Website is solely for information purposes and is not an offer to buy or sell, or a request to buy or sell, any product or service.
All the information and content of the pages on this Website are subject to change by GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES without requiring prior notice to be given. This Website and the information it contains, or access to same, may be suspended, cancelled or restricted in whatsoever manner or at any time by GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES. Although all reasonable measures have been taken to ensure that the information contained is not erroneous or misleading, GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES does not claim or guarantee that it is accurate, complete or up-to-date, and you must not take it to be so. GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES expressly declines any liability for error or omission in the information contained on the pages of this Website.
Under no circumstances shall the Group be liable for any form of damage, loss, claims or outlays of any kind for the information acquired or accessed by means of this Website, or for computer viruses, operating malfunctions or interrupted service or transmission or line malfunction. Use of the Website is in itself a warning to users that such events may occur.
Users undertake to use this Website and its services and content in a proper and licit manner in accordance with prevailing legislation, good faith and generally accepted uses.
Users shall not perform any actions which may render unusable, overload or deteriorate in any manner the pages of this Website. Nor shall they perform any actions which may prevent other users from browsing and using the Website normally.
GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES does not guarantee the total availability and continuous operation of the Website and services offered on it. As far as possible, notice will be given of any incidents which may occur in operation of same.
GRUPO TURIS PROMOCIONES may, at any time and without prior notice, alter or change the design of the Website, its content or these terms of use.